
十大正规网赌软件, our highly-skilled obstetricians and gynecologists (OB/GYNs) specialize in the healthcare needs of women in every phase of life—from adolescence, 在生育期间, 更年期及以后. 


子宫颈癌 是一种妇科癌症吗. 可以通过每年例行的盆腔检查和巴氏涂片检查来预防. An important screening test to detect cervical cancer at a stage when there are often no symptoms, pelvic exams and Pap tests (or Pap smears) are samples of cells taken from the cervix to look for cellular changes. “异常”的巴氏试验结果并不一定意味着女性患有宫颈癌. The pelvic exam and Pap test are recommended every one to three years (depending on risk factors) for sexually active woman and those over age 21.

Manual breast exams performed by a healthcare provider are recommended annually for all women 18 years and older. Our healthcare providers can also train you to properly perform your monthly breast self-exam. Talk to our physicians about the best time for you to begin mammogram screening for breast cancer, 通常在40岁时. 除了手工乳房检查外,还建议进行乳房x光检查,并在 乳房中心 在十大正规网赌软件.

The decision on which method is right for you should be made with your healthcare provider, 和你的伴侣也一样. 我们的医生会讨论你的选择,如果有必要的话, 提供最符合你需要的避孕处方. Birth control refers to any activity, medication or equipment used to prevent pregnancy. There are many types of birth control available for women who do not wish to become pregnant. 我们的医生会讨论你的选择,如果有必要的话, 提供最符合你需要的避孕处方, 包括紧急避孕. 

Annual exams, adolescent and adult gynecology, cholesterol screening, cancer screening.

一旦一个女人发现自己怀孕了, she should establish a schedule of prenatal care with her healthcare provider for the entire duration of the pregnancy. 我们的病人在十大正规网赌软件最先进的分娩中心分娩. Our obstetric physicians are also available to meet in advance of pregnancy to provide preconception counseling, 不孕症评估和帮助妇女为健康怀孕做准备. 我们的医生为30岁以上的孕妇提供专门的孕期护理, 或者在剖腹产后正在寻求阴道分娩. 我们还有 母胎医学 为高风险妊娠提供咨询和护理. 

  • 异常出血的评价
  • 绝经前评估
  • 更年期
  • 激素替代疗法
  • 经前综合症
  • 膀胱控制

  • 包括阴道镜检查在内的宫颈涂片异常的评估
  • 阴道和泌尿系统感染
  • 生殖器疣的治疗
  • 盆腔疼痛评估
  • 子宫镜检查
  • 子宫切除术
  • 子宫内膜消融
  • 输卵管结扎手术
  • 常规超声
  • 怀孕计划和选择

  • 计划怀孕
  • 产科
  • 30岁以后怀孕
  • 以前剖宫产后顺产
  • 高危产科
  • 不孕不育的评估

Valley’s urogynecology team specializes in treating disorders of the pelvic floor ranging from urinary incontinence to pelvic organ prolapse. 我们提供尖端的诊断和治疗方案, 包括手术和非手术, 帮助我们的病人恢复正常生活的信心.  


  • 压力性尿失禁:运动时漏尿, 笑, 咳嗽, 打喷嚏或站着
  • 膀胱过度活动:尿频,有或无尿漏
  • 混合性尿失禁:既有压力性尿失禁,也有膀胱过动症
  • 大便失禁
  • 盆底紊乱或盆底虚弱,包括产后问题
  • 盆腔痛
  • 盆腔器官脱垂的膀胱(膀胱),直肠(直肠膨出),或子宫
  • 泌尿动力学研究
  • 复发性泌尿道感染的
  • 性交困难(性交疼痛)


点击这里 查看该诊所的工作时间和联系信息.

我们的医生是所有年龄段女性妇科健康问题的专家, 包括那些需要中年和更年期护理的人. 囊肿, 肌瘤, 炎症, 泌尿和阴道感染, 重, 月经不规律或疼痛, 严重经前症候群症状, 盆腔痛, 不正常的出血, 荷尔蒙的问题, urinary incontinence and sexually transmitted diseases are some of the gynecological conditions diagnosed, 由我们的妇产科医生治疗和管理. 十大正规网赌软件 provides convenient, on-site diagnostic ultrasound services for their patients.

手术或妇科手术是必要的吗, our staff includes gynecologic physicians and surgeons experienced in minimally-invasive and 机器人手术方法. 手术包括子宫切除术, 盆腔重建手术, 肌瘤切除术, 子宫肌瘤栓塞, 子宫肌瘤射频消融, 输卵管结扎手术, 子宫内膜消融, 和子宫镜检查.



子宫颈癌 screening is part of regular preventive care for women and people with a cervix. 在本期DocTalk视频中, Jennifer Burzawa,医学博士她是十大正规网赌软件医院的妇科肿瘤科医生 肿瘤学和血液学诊所, explains the screening, 人乳头状瘤病毒疫苗s, what happens next if there’s an abnormal result.

怀孕和孩子的出生通常被视为欢乐的场合, but the physical challenges of hormone imbalances and sleep disruptions can turn these times into emotionally painful and difficult transitions. 而围产期情绪障碍, 以前被称为产后抑郁症, 是很常见的, 幸运的是,它是可以治疗的. 在下面的医生谈话中,妇产科医生 玛丽莲MaccioMD给出了对这种情况的实际见解, what to watch for and how to get help if you or someone you care about may be experiencing it.

Eric Schmit, DO, 提供关于痛经的信息, 如果你在月经期间感到疼痛,该去哪里寻求帮助, 并鼓励他们不仅与医疗服务提供者展开更多的对话, 还有你的朋友和家人.


Tajana Kundacina, DO, 讨论了最近FDA批准的非处方避孕药, 谁将从获得这些药物中受益, 以及它与目前的处方有何不同. 观看下面的视频或阅读页面底部的文字记录. (录于2023年8月).


十大正规网赌软件妇女保健诊所| VMC专科护理

16850 SE 272 St St 210
呼叫 425.690.3480 传真 425.690.9480

十大正规网赌软件妇女保健诊所| VMC专科护理

呼叫 425.690.3481 传真 425.690.9081

十大正规网赌软件妇女保健诊所| VMC专科护理

呼叫 425.690.3479 传真 425.690.9479

泌尿妇科诊所- VMC专科护理

呼叫 425.690.3474 传真 425.690.9055


如果您是新患者,请在打电话时表明您是新患者. It is helpful if you have your insurance card handy when you call to make the appointment. 你一开始提供的信息越多, 当你到达时,设置账户的时间就会越少. For all new patients please download and complete the 病人登记表 as well as the Annual/ Preventative Exams Form if relevant to your visit. Please read and complete all forms and bring them with you to your first appointment. We request that new patients arrive 15 minutes prior to the scheduled appointment time; this allows us to process your paper work promptly and accurately.



如果你要更改地址或保险, please arrive early and notify the reception desk staff that you need to make a change. It is important that you bring your insurance card to each appointment and present it at the reception desk.


我们支持和鼓励年轻的家庭, 所以我们很高兴让您的孩子陪伴您参加大部分的约会. 但是,有些情况需要特别考虑. 如果你的孩子生病了, 我们要求你把那孩子留在家里以免让所有病人都接触到, 尤其是孕妇, 病. 也, 如果你安排了超声波检查, 房间很小,一般只能容纳三个人, 除了病人. 对于更长时间的预约或涉及妇科检查的预约, 把小孩子留在家里也许更好.

我们和大多数主要的健康保险公司都有合同. 最准确的信息将由您的保险公司提供, 如果你对此有任何疑问, 请联系您的保险公司. 

作为合同的一部分, 我们需要在提供服务时向患者收取共同费用. 我们为您提供的服务将报销您的保险费. Any portion not covered by the insurance will then be your responsibility and timely payment is appreciated.

如果您的保险不是我们的首选供应商, 我们要求您在服务时付款. The most accurate information regarding your insurance plan’s coverage of our physicians is obtained by calling your insurance directly. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact Patient Financial 服务 at 425.467.7188.

如果你没有保险, payment is expected at time of service unless other arrangements have been made with the business office. 没有保险的产科病人必须在就诊前安排付款计划. We request that patients who have outstanding balances on their accounts pay in full or make arrangements with the business office personnel before their appointment.

We value your time, so we make every effort to closely follow scheduled appointment times. 我们的产科诊所很忙, so there will be times when the doctor is behind schedule because he or she has been to the hospital to deliver a baby. Our front desk staff will notify you when the doctor is running more than 20 minutes behind schedule, 给你重新安排的机会. 如果你在等候室等候超过15分钟, please let the front desk staff know so they can give you an update on the estimated appointment time.

如果你迟到超过15分钟,你的预约时间, 我们会要求您重新安排, 避免让准时到达的病人等待. 偶尔, 你的医生可能还能看到你, 所以,如果你迟到了,请随时打电话或与前台登记.

To process your refills accurately, 48 hours notice is needed on all prescription requests. 最有效的方法是直接给药房打电话. 如果在补药时出现问题, 或者还有其他问题, 我们会让药房让你给我们打电话.

In the interest of patient safety, narcotic refills are never done after office hours.


  • GARDISIL, the vaccine to prevent certain forms of cervical cancer, to patients between ages 19-27. We suggest that you check with your insurance company to make sure this is a covered benefit, 在你接种疫苗之前.
  • 我们建议患者每5-10年接种一次破伤风加强剂, 这通常会在你的年度检查中讨论和完成.
  • We have a limited number of flu shots available in the fall which we reserve for high risk patients who cannot get the vaccine elsewhere.
  • 我们给适当的病人开带状疱疹疫苗, 疫苗是由当地的药剂师注射的.
